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A further word of warning...

Steve Cullen

In the Republic of Ireland schools are on alert to IT security risks around online classes with a Garda investigation under way into how a number of men gained unauthorised access to a video lesson for students of a school in County Meath and engaged in inappropriate behaviour. It has been confirmed an investigation is being conducted by the Protective Services Unit, which is responsible for looking into alleged offences around child protection.

Also in Ireland, another second-level school has reported to parents that a number of online classes have been disrupted, this time by pupils themselves. A Dublin principal has emailed parents advising that a small number of students “have been disrespectful to staff, disrupted live lessons by shouting out inappropriately, changed their names to inappropriate ones and dropped their video so as to annotate the screen disrespectfully”.

I've come across a few cases here in the UK, some in Birmingham schools even. It is clear that schools need to ensure staff have effective training on managing online classes and are alert to any interlopers into their online sessions.

Always be vigilant!



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