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Steve Cullen

Six steps to help you prevent a data breach

Under GDPR organisations must adopt appropriate policies, procedures and processes to protect the personal data they hold and ensure compliance.

Breaching these requirements can result in fines of up to 4% of annual turnover or €20 million (£17.8 million), whichever is greater.

You will only have 72 hours to investigate and report a data breach, but many organisations still don't know how to do this effectively.

Here are six steps that will help you prevent a data breach:

1. Find out where your personal information is located.

2. Identify all the risks that could cause a breach of your personal data.

3. Apply the most appropriate and effective measures to mitigate those risks.

4. Implement the necessary policies and procedures to support these measures.

5. Conduct regular tests and audits to make sure the measures you have in place are working as intended.

6. Review, report and update your plans regularly.

If you need assistance with GDPR compliance please email me at or ring me on 07984 838038 to see how I can help.

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